Social Determinants of Health Awareness Campaign Results

Social Determinants of Health Awareness Campaign Results

Submitted by Heidi McNeely, PhD, RN, PCNS-BC, (HPAC Member)

SPN’s Healthcare Policy and Advocacy Committee (HPAC) recently hosted a social media campaign in March that was on LinkedIn and X (formerly known as Twitter). The campaign was focused on Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). The campaign ran for 5 weeks with a survey question each week and links to additional resources. The HPAC’s goals included solicitation of information specific to pediatric nurses’ awareness of social determinants of health to help identify gaps and to also increase awareness through dialogue and access to existing resources. The committee will be using this data as we consider additional advocacy education around the role of pediatric nurses within SDOH. We appreciate all who participated.

Here is what we heard from respondents.  

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